Training Needs Analysis

Needs analysis is an important component and often the first step for the planning, implementation and evaluating of an agricultural project’s performance. By identifying the stakeholders and their needs, outcomes and activities can be tailored to suit. FGM International usually deals with staff and/or managers with performance improvement needs, in the frame of the projects we undertake. Given the growing rate of technological advance and development throughout the world, the necessity of assessing, adapting and enhancing performances couldn’t abstain itself from the agricultural field. Identifying performance improvement needs and then addressing them is one of the best ways to improve profitability. A PINA is a systematic combination of three basic processes: Performance Analysis: Analysis of the performance levels required for the various project position holders to perform optimally in terms of productivity. Assessment of the team’s current performance levels. Identification of any performance gap between above mentionned point that needs to […]

Review of Soil Surveys

The thorough review of an existing soil survey aims at confirming its accuracy, adequacy and consistency as well as verifying the soil’s adequacy for the planned crop with technical standards according to FGM’s experience in similar conditions. The FGM International core team has successfully conducted a multitude of projects in many challenging environments, ranging from sand-desert areas to Siberian plains. From this experience we consider the soil as the key asset of crop production. A project’s soil structure might very well determine the production option and its quantity and quality. Thus, the accuracy of a soil study is a fundamental prerequisite to avoid incorrect development of the cropping area. Our considerable farming knowledge, including soil understanding, enables us to provide a fair appraisal of the available soil study’s quality before the client invests more CapEx into developing the project. Assessment of the adequacy of sampling density according to project requirement […]

Review of Water Resource Survey

The water survey is an overall review of our client’s existing water resource survey to confirm its adequacy compared with international technical standards, using as reference FGM’s previous experience obtained in similar conditions. Water resources are a key success factor for any irrigated agricultural project. These guarantee the irrigation potential of your project and may contribute towards estimating the major part of the project’s initial CapEx and OpEx requirements. Thus, having a robust and accurate hydrological or hydrogeological survey, is critical to secure such investments and mitigate a project’s development risks. Assessing water resources, either from a canal, rivers of deep wells, relies on multiple parameters such as testing wells, bibliographic data and on-site appraisal of the allocated land. It should take into account the water availability, its quality and the water rights. The overall review should indicate whether the water metrics fit the specific crop requirements in terms of […]

Carbon Footprint Assessment

FGM’s carbon footprint assessment calculates the comprehensive greenhouse gases’ (GHG) emission for a given farming project and provides the client with an extensive study and advice concerning its the control of emissions. Following the Paris Climate Conference (COP21), back in 2015, over 150 countries have signed an international climate agreement to hold the global warming below 2°C. Since then, an increasing number of institutions and private groups are investing to reduce global emissions. With an assessment report of your carbon footprint, you will be able to: Measure the environmental performance of your agricultural project and thus forecast the project’s “carbon budget”, Adapt your management strategy to improve your farm’s environmental performance, Track and measure improvement over time, which will enable you to disclose a better carbon impact as a marketing advantage, Fulfill environmentally friendly or ethic certification to enter new markets according to your strategy. FGM international focuses on the […]

Rapid Site Review and Scoring

The remote site review and scoring product offers an analysis and scoring of the agronomic potential for a defined land area. The scoring will reflect FGM’s advice on the suitability of a determined area for the possible development of any type of agricultural project. It is based on the project’s goals and the prevailing natural conditions. The possible constraints and obstacles to be considered for the project to succeed will be highlighted in our review, enabling the project manager/promoter to have a clear understanding of the situation before investing in further detailed studies or a land lease agreement. Our key competence covers a wide range of crop and livestock production. Scoring (0 to 10) and comments on each of the following parameters: Location in the country, Accessibility towards and from the site, Quality of the soil, Land occupation, Climate consistency for agricultural production, Water resources’ access and sustainability, Energy infrastructure […]

Land Occupation Mapping

Our land occupation-mapping product enables the identification of the best location to initiate a farming project within the target area selected by the client. It also allows us to size the potential development extent of the land. The remaining land is categorized as relevant, as challenging areas, occupied zones, areas to be reallocated or to be discarded. To perform this assignment, FGM International relies on its partnership with satellite operators such as Airbus Space and Defense, and its own expertise in land appraisal. Measuring the exact area of cultivable land is fundamental to be able to actually define the project’s size. It also provides the necessary data to undertake a prognosis of the land’s production potential and related revenues. An agricultural project relies on several factors, depending on the desired crop, such as land flatness, flood risk, rocky areas and so on. Equipped with a land occupation map, the project […]

Agricultural Country Note

A fair and independent evaluation of the agricultural sector in your country of interest. We identify, list, evaluate and confirm the particular characteristics and the advantages and/or disadvantages relevant to the target country, applicable to  the development of a specific agricultural project or value chain there. A complete review and analysis of the available information concerning the target country’s agricultural sector with a specific focus on: Local agriculture overview, Local farming models’ standards, Main crops and livestock, Environmental and climatic conditions, Marketing and distribution circuit structure, Soil conditions and classification, Political situation and country risk.

Technical Due Diligence

Technical due diligence comprises a fair and independent analysis of all technical aspects of the targeted farming enterprise with the objective of assessing its viability and interest for acquisition or its capability of integrating third party existing ventures. FGM International implements a unique approach which has evolved from its extensive know-how in the practical management and development of agricultural projects. We provide it in order to assess the current technical and economic results of the target project. This process also aims to confirm the business plan’s feasibility in view of further project development in the future. Technical due diligence will reassure the stakeholders regarding the estimates of CapEx and OpEx requirements as well as the realism of the production scenarios. Review of the historical technical parameters of the targeted enterprise: natural resources and conditions, achieved yields and evolution, crop husbandry plans, available staff and organization. Evaluation of the available assets’ […]

Site Assessment

Our agricultural site assessment product provides the client with a review of the agronomic development and economic potential for a selected land area. Site assessment delivers a “go/no-go” recommendation in terms of development for any type of agricultural project. It is based on each project’s goals, the natural conditions and resources and the economic environment. All probable restrictions and/or obstacles to be considered will be highlighted to enable the project’s operator, promoter and/or investors to have a clear vision of the production capacities of the specific site, before investing in a more detailed study or land lease agreement. FGM International’s key competence covers a wide range of crops and livestock production. Agronomy: adaptability of the target crops or livestock production with the observed natural conditions, estimates of yield potential. Soil: overview of both the soil’s potential and the available land’s possibility for development within the available area. Climate: collection and […]

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