Equipment Requirements and Specifications

The equipment requirements and specifications consist in an independent advisory tool for the equipment list required for a specific crop. FGM International provides terms of reference ready to be submitted to any manufacturer to obtain a tailored quotation. FGM International’s approach is to maximize production utilising the minimum necessary equipment. The list of required equipment that FGM provides, avoids over-spending on costly and superfluous assets whilst enabling a scaled-up margin. The list focuses on the technical specifications and number of units required without promoting any specific manufacturer. Review of the crop requirements according to the project environment, Review of the equipment’s compatibility, complementarity and adjusment capability to achieve the desired performance, Listing and enumeration of the necessary equipment and indication of the ideal required technical specifications with metrics, power and special features for each piece of equipment.

Workshop Requirements and Design

The design of the workshop is an essential part of a successful project as it will enable good maintenance of the machinery to provide efficient operations, avoid breakdowns and facilitate quick repairs when required. The FGM practice prefers the workshop to be separated from any other service-facilities to promote efficient management. Its size should be well-defined and scalable to avoid excessive initial investment or maintenance shortage due to a lack of working space. In addition to the design, FGM International provides a tool and equipment’s list and related technical specs, to cover all the project’s requirements such as, mechanical maintenance, electrical work and pump, engine and irrigation upkeep. Internal organization of the workshop with optimal size, required materials and facilities, Workshop location requirements, List of tools & equipment.

Warehouse Requirements and Design

The design of the warehouse is indispensable to a successful project, as it ensures the efficient storage of essential parts, inputs and any other consumables. According to FGM International’s standards, the warehouse should be separate from any other service facilities in order to enable efficient operational management. Its size should be well defined and scalable to avoid excessive investment or lack of storage space as well as to facilitate the fast distribution and easy inventory of the goods. For production storage, please refer to our dedicated product production storage requirements and specifications. Warehouse requirement according to the project including size, recommended materials and required facilities. Internal organization of the warehouse.

Irrigation Design Review

The irrigation design review product involves an overall review of an existing irrigation design to confirm its adequacy/conformity in terms of international technical standards, using as comparative references FGM’s previous similar experiences and projects. Our core team is expert in facilitating projects involving complex water conveyance systems and has the essential knowledge and significant practice in the field of irrigation management. This review ensures that the irrigation system design is balanced according to the actual water needs of your targeted production, taking into account the natural environment (climate and water resources) as well as the future operational organization of the specific project. Review of water requirements estimates according to the needs of the planned crops and climatic conditions. Appraisal of the design criteria parameters and technical assumptions. Overall assessment of required specifications for equipment and material such as pipelines’ layout, canal design, storage dams. Objective analysis of pumping stations, including […]

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