Staff List & Payroll Plan

The Staff List and Payroll Plan is a document calibrated on your project’s goals to highlight team requirements, as well as any necessary scale-up and payroll with incentives. The Staff List is necessary to enhance your payroll’s optimization according to the size of your operations and also to determine the cost of each operational department. The adequate sizing of the team and its payroll will prevent needless OpEx for permanent staff whilst ensuring adequate human resources during peak periods. Drawing on our considerable international experience, we provide a payroll scheme adapted to local standards and taking into account the specific job competences required by your project. A bespoke incentive scheme is designed according to your farming model to encourage long-term staff commitment. Detailed list of required staff including job title and allocation for each department, Payroll scheme with salary range per position, Description of specific incentive system according to production […]

Crop Data Sheet

The crop data sheet is a single page product grouping information on the most relevant elements concerning production figures for a specific crop in a determined area. The document delivered by FGM draws on an extensive experience in agronomy and management as well as on our specific skillset regarding the said crop in the given production area. This makes this document a valuable support tool for decision making in the framework of both new and ongoing projects. Key issues, main technical parameters and challenges to consider for the possible crop. Yield: achievable production figures based on FGM’s experience. Average production costs, according to FGM’s observations and management standards. Human resources required per ha and average cost. CapEx requirements and structure for developing a project in similar conditions and context.

Energy Mix Appraisal

Our energy mix appraisal product provides the client with a comprehensive study of the energy performance of the full range of electricity generation technologies. Our team of experts will perform an extensive study of your project’s current energy performance (for an existing project) or determine the best energy mix for a new project. Starting  from  the  available  energy  resources  in  the  project  area,  the  objective  is  to compare the full range of energy production technologies (grid, fossil and renewable), integrating criteria such as life cycle and constraints during operations. Also included are the various costs and returns on investment to determine the most appropriate mix of energies to be used, to optimize your OpEx and CapEx expenditures. Calculation of all energy requirements, including seasonal variation, for the project in question. Review of energy generation solutions according to site location and available infrastructure. Contact with suppliers to assess OpEx and CapEx […]

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