Staff List & Payroll Plan

The Staff List and Payroll Plan is a document calibrated on your project’s goals to highlight team requirements, as well as any necessary scale-up and payroll with incentives. The Staff List is necessary to enhance your payroll’s optimization according to the size of your operations and also to determine the cost of each operational department. The adequate sizing of the team and its payroll will prevent needless OpEx for permanent staff whilst ensuring adequate human resources during peak periods. Drawing on our considerable international experience, we provide a payroll scheme adapted to local standards and taking into account the specific job competences required by your project. A bespoke incentive scheme is designed according to your farming model to encourage long-term staff commitment. Detailed list of required staff including job title and allocation for each department, Payroll scheme with salary range per position, Description of specific incentive system according to production […]

OpEx and Sales Estimates

The OpEx and Sales Estimates is an additional product to the crop husbandry plans product. It determines the operational costs of production and the related income according to the production potential. The OpEx and Sales Estimates include the list of required inputs (seeds, fertilizers and chemicals) and energy; e.g. fuel, electricity, with related quantities, updated unit prices and total cost. The Sale Estimates are based on realistic yield forecasts adjusted to take into account the site’s soil, water and climate potential, together with updated local and export market prices. An included gross margin matrix, forecasts possible variations according to any possible change in the main cost drivers; i.e. energy and selling prices enabling you to mitigate operational risk. This product can be immediately integrated into an overall Business Plan revision or used to confirm its technical and economic assumptions.Our team will deliver the following key figures : List of variable costs […]

Energy Mix Appraisal

Our energy mix appraisal product provides the client with a comprehensive study of the energy performance of the full range of electricity generation technologies. Our team of experts will perform an extensive study of your project’s current energy performance (for an existing project) or determine the best energy mix for a new project. Starting  from  the  available  energy  resources  in  the  project  area,  the  objective  is  to compare the full range of energy production technologies (grid, fossil and renewable), integrating criteria such as life cycle and constraints during operations. Also included are the various costs and returns on investment to determine the most appropriate mix of energies to be used, to optimize your OpEx and CapEx expenditures. Calculation of all energy requirements, including seasonal variation, for the project in question. Review of energy generation solutions according to site location and available infrastructure. Contact with suppliers to assess OpEx and CapEx […]

Annual Budget Review

The annual budget review of an agricultural project is undertaken through a specific, documented analysis, which we can update when it is considered to be wise and useful. This product can determine the success of a farming project. Having outstanding experience in supporting and evaluating business plans and farm budgets for all sorts and sizes of farming projects, we ensure key elements of the budget are integrated and that the timing is realistic to cope with the actual input needs during the crop seasons. Review and validation of budget structure. Review and update of cost assumptions for inputs and HR according to the growing season and crop calendars. Review of sales plan with target yields and selling prices. Review of the annual financial parameters including cash-flow requirements, balance sheets, profit and loss accounts and financial loans.

Business Plan Review

Our Business Plan review examines the key assumptions made in the specific agricultural project’s development business plan. We update and augment it as relevant. Since our team has outstanding experience in supporting and evaluating business plans in a broad range of farming projects, as well as in terms of agri-project management, it will ensure that all the main hypotheses and assumptions of the existing business plan are realistic and in line with the international standards for similar projects. We will also check that major assumptions made are optimal from a production-oriented point of view. Validation of key assumptions related to production mix, expected yields, production area, HR needs. Review of the CapEx plan, including reclamation, equipment, infrastructures and amortization. Review of the OpEx assumptions with crop and livestock husbandry plans and input costs. Economic analysis with comments on Sales, Gross margins, EBIDTA, net profit level and return on investment compared […]

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