Organizational Chart and Management Procedures

The organizational chart is the schematic structure of the farm management. Associated management procedures are highlighted with guidelines. Operational departments, staff positions in each and interconnection between these, are presented in a schematic way along with their descriptions. This product aims at setting-up the optimal management system and reporting lines for the given project. FGM delivers a custom chart. Innovative management procedures are developed by FGM International to achieve better production results. Content and periodicity of management and technical meeting are highlighted for an optimal control of operations and reporting. Chart with relation between each department, staff and link with the top management line, Description of each department’s role and relationhip, Management tool(s) recommendations, Management’s meeting and reporting guidelines.

Organizational Chart Design

The organizational chart delivered by FGM International is the schematic structure of the farm management with operational departments, staff positions in each and interdepartmental relations. The management structure aims at setting up an efficient system and reporting lines to enable optimal field operation division. FGM has led the development of an innovative management structure in many outstanding projects that facilitated the agricultural production to achieve excellent results. This chart is useful both internally to plan and illustrate the management structure within the team; e.g. for new staff, and externally, to assist third party in identifying the proper position/contact person for relevant communications. The organizational chart supplements the payroll scheme to cover the major elements of the human resources aspect. Chart showing the relationship between each department, staff and link with the top management, Description of each department’s role and competences, as well as, and their interrelationship.

Job Description Profiling

A proper job description profile facilitates the recruitment, the development and the performance’s follow-up of your human resources. It applies to farm managers, middle managers and employees. FGM International has been invested with multiple mandates to implement agricultural projects including the selection and recruitment of a farm’s staff, ranging from key-managers to field operators. Our job descriptions are prepared so as to be practical and field oriented. The job description is an added value to the payroll scheme as it is also an essential tool to enable sustained integrated management of human resources in terms of performance’s follow-up, support and career development. Job requirements: educational qualifications, experience and specific competences, Job details and position within the organization, Reporting line, General summary and presentation, Detailed main responsibilities and tasks, Key performance indicators.

Maintenance Procedures Guidelines

Our maintenance procedures guidelines aggregate a set of best practices to keep your farming equipment operative in terms of day-to-day farming activities. Agricultural “time windows” may be very narrow due to climatic challenges or complex multi-crop rotation plans. Also, potential equipment shortage of failure might affect the quantity and the quality of the production and inexorably lead to both yield and financial losses. FGM International is recognized for its good management practices, including the day-to-day and after-season maintenance procedure of vital equipment. Our preemptive maintenance philosophy is reflected in our maintenance procedure guidelines, in which we indicate the best time to perform necessary maintenance, in line with production requirements. These guidelines come with a list of key tools and equipment required for maintenance purposes. Maintenance principles and overall management organization. Day-to-day maintenance tasks. Optimal season’s maintenance before and after the cropping season. Overall workshop and mobile workshop organization.

Multiple-crop Rotation Plan

The crop rotation plan organizes different types of crops sequenced in the same geographical area to maximize overall yield, profit and results whilst benefiting from the agronomic advantages of the various crop types. The crop rotation plan delivered by FGM optimizes the sequencing of crops produced in the various fields over the years. The rotation of multiple crops is recommended to maintain or develop the organic matter content of the soil, improve its fertility and structure while enhancing control of insects, weeds, diseases and erosion. Amongst the many technical benefits of this plan, we underline the fact that it can reduce production costs and increase the profit margin per crop. The multiple-crop rotation methodology may be associated with crop husbandry plans to further optimize the production potential. Detailed crop scenario including comparison between different possibilities according to the project’s objective and the expected yield. Tailored estimation of input requirements.

Hotline Operational Support

Hotline operational support provides remote assistance to agricultural landowners or their technical team, through a dedicated hotline, giving support on a day-to-day basis for their farming activities. Through the use of the Hotline FGM International has adapted the delivery of its technical knowledge and the implementation of its extensive farming experience, to help farm businesses solve unusual problems that might occur during their routine operations. Crop husbandry plans: detailed review and adjustment of the inputs’ list and activities, as well as planning per crop. Maintenance planning: preventive maintenance plan and organization concerning farming equipment, organization of the workshop. Warehouse stock management: assistance for the organization of an inputs’ warehousing plan and procedures. Collection and analysis of on-site observations made by the client’s local team. Advisory guidance of the operations and continuous follow-up of the activities.

Crop Husbandry Plan

The crop husbandry plan provides the client with all the technical elements to ensure the future production of a selected crop or to improve their current practices. It includes a list of key parameters to take into account during production, the set of field activities to perform with their duration and deadlines and the list of required inputs (seeds, fertilizers, chemicals) to use during the growing cycle. Our clients can use an FGM crop husbandry plan for 3 purposes. It initially serves as a base to determine crop production costs and gross margin through the listed inputs and required quantity. It also plans the purchasing of all required inputs to prepare for the growing season. Ultimately the list of activities and required practices are the main guidelines to follow-up on the crop during the growing season. Key issues: main technical parameters and challenges to take into account for the production […]

Emergency Technical Support

On-demand assistance for any question or matter regarding an in-field agricultural production issue. This is a fully customizable (“pay-per-issue”) product which is very useful in times of crisis and at any stage of the project. If you experience any crop production problem such as water stress, disease or pest infestation, FGM International will mobilize its technical and practical expertise to provide, via a hotline support call, its extensive experience to assist you in the resolution of the problem. Diagnosis of the issue, Resolution process to solve it.

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