Organizational Chart and Management Procedures

The organizational chart is the schematic structure of the farm management. Associated management procedures are highlighted with guidelines. Operational departments, staff positions in each and interconnection between these, are presented in a schematic way along with their descriptions. This product aims at setting-up the optimal management system and reporting lines for the given project. FGM delivers a custom chart. Innovative management procedures are developed by FGM International to achieve better production results. Content and periodicity of management and technical meeting are highlighted for an optimal control of operations and reporting. Chart with relation between each department, staff and link with the top management line, Description of each department’s role and relationhip, Management tool(s) recommendations, Management’s meeting and reporting guidelines.

Staff List & Payroll Plan

The Staff List and Payroll Plan is a document calibrated on your project’s goals to highlight team requirements, as well as any necessary scale-up and payroll with incentives. The Staff List is necessary to enhance your payroll’s optimization according to the size of your operations and also to determine the cost of each operational department. The adequate sizing of the team and its payroll will prevent needless OpEx for permanent staff whilst ensuring adequate human resources during peak periods. Drawing on our considerable international experience, we provide a payroll scheme adapted to local standards and taking into account the specific job competences required by your project. A bespoke incentive scheme is designed according to your farming model to encourage long-term staff commitment. Detailed list of required staff including job title and allocation for each department, Payroll scheme with salary range per position, Description of specific incentive system according to production […]

Training Needs Analysis

Needs analysis is an important component and often the first step for the planning, implementation and evaluating of an agricultural project’s performance. By identifying the stakeholders and their needs, outcomes and activities can be tailored to suit. FGM International usually deals with staff and/or managers with performance improvement needs, in the frame of the projects we undertake. Given the growing rate of technological advance and development throughout the world, the necessity of assessing, adapting and enhancing performances couldn’t abstain itself from the agricultural field. Identifying performance improvement needs and then addressing them is one of the best ways to improve profitability. A PINA is a systematic combination of three basic processes: Performance Analysis: Analysis of the performance levels required for the various project position holders to perform optimally in terms of productivity. Assessment of the team’s current performance levels. Identification of any performance gap between above mentionned point that needs to […]

Organizational Chart Design

The organizational chart delivered by FGM International is the schematic structure of the farm management with operational departments, staff positions in each and interdepartmental relations. The management structure aims at setting up an efficient system and reporting lines to enable optimal field operation division. FGM has led the development of an innovative management structure in many outstanding projects that facilitated the agricultural production to achieve excellent results. This chart is useful both internally to plan and illustrate the management structure within the team; e.g. for new staff, and externally, to assist third party in identifying the proper position/contact person for relevant communications. The organizational chart supplements the payroll scheme to cover the major elements of the human resources aspect. Chart showing the relationship between each department, staff and link with the top management, Description of each department’s role and competences, as well as, and their interrelationship.

Job Description Profiling

A proper job description profile facilitates the recruitment, the development and the performance’s follow-up of your human resources. It applies to farm managers, middle managers and employees. FGM International has been invested with multiple mandates to implement agricultural projects including the selection and recruitment of a farm’s staff, ranging from key-managers to field operators. Our job descriptions are prepared so as to be practical and field oriented. The job description is an added value to the payroll scheme as it is also an essential tool to enable sustained integrated management of human resources in terms of performance’s follow-up, support and career development. Job requirements: educational qualifications, experience and specific competences, Job details and position within the organization, Reporting line, General summary and presentation, Detailed main responsibilities and tasks, Key performance indicators.

Camp Layout Design

The camp layout will provide you with an optimized organization of your base camp to facilitate your production, operation and management. For remote sites, FGM International integrates the service infrastructure to accommodate the staff. The camp layout should optimize the machinery fleet’s traffic to reduce equipment downtime for maintenance and service purposes. Smart positioning of each facility will also facilitate staff contact to support reporting procedures and HR management. Drawing on its considerable experience of managing long-term agricultural projects, FGM International has sound practice in camp design, which is a key milestone in any project’s development and will provide a practical blueprint of the camp and its facilities. Base camp layout with position of buildings, roads, energy and sanitary facilities, Internal organization blueprint of key buildings (workshop, warehouse, office, storage facility, dormitory and restaurant), Circulation plan avoiding unecessary traffic, Specific recommendations.

Crop Data Sheet

The crop data sheet is a single page product grouping information on the most relevant elements concerning production figures for a specific crop in a determined area. The document delivered by FGM draws on an extensive experience in agronomy and management as well as on our specific skillset regarding the said crop in the given production area. This makes this document a valuable support tool for decision making in the framework of both new and ongoing projects. Key issues, main technical parameters and challenges to consider for the possible crop. Yield: achievable production figures based on FGM’s experience. Average production costs, according to FGM’s observations and management standards. Human resources required per ha and average cost. CapEx requirements and structure for developing a project in similar conditions and context.

Business Plan Review

Our Business Plan review examines the key assumptions made in the specific agricultural project’s development business plan. We update and augment it as relevant. Since our team has outstanding experience in supporting and evaluating business plans in a broad range of farming projects, as well as in terms of agri-project management, it will ensure that all the main hypotheses and assumptions of the existing business plan are realistic and in line with the international standards for similar projects. We will also check that major assumptions made are optimal from a production-oriented point of view. Validation of key assumptions related to production mix, expected yields, production area, HR needs. Review of the CapEx plan, including reclamation, equipment, infrastructures and amortization. Review of the OpEx assumptions with crop and livestock husbandry plans and input costs. Economic analysis with comments on Sales, Gross margins, EBIDTA, net profit level and return on investment compared […]

Technical Due Diligence

Technical due diligence comprises a fair and independent analysis of all technical aspects of the targeted farming enterprise with the objective of assessing its viability and interest for acquisition or its capability of integrating third party existing ventures. FGM International implements a unique approach which has evolved from its extensive know-how in the practical management and development of agricultural projects. We provide it in order to assess the current technical and economic results of the target project. This process also aims to confirm the business plan’s feasibility in view of further project development in the future. Technical due diligence will reassure the stakeholders regarding the estimates of CapEx and OpEx requirements as well as the realism of the production scenarios. Review of the historical technical parameters of the targeted enterprise: natural resources and conditions, achieved yields and evolution, crop husbandry plans, available staff and organization. Evaluation of the available assets’ […]

Site Assessment

Our agricultural site assessment product provides the client with a review of the agronomic development and economic potential for a selected land area. Site assessment delivers a “go/no-go” recommendation in terms of development for any type of agricultural project. It is based on each project’s goals, the natural conditions and resources and the economic environment. All probable restrictions and/or obstacles to be considered will be highlighted to enable the project’s operator, promoter and/or investors to have a clear vision of the production capacities of the specific site, before investing in a more detailed study or land lease agreement. FGM International’s key competence covers a wide range of crops and livestock production. Agronomy: adaptability of the target crops or livestock production with the observed natural conditions, estimates of yield potential. Soil: overview of both the soil’s potential and the available land’s possibility for development within the available area. Climate: collection and […]

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