Technical assistance, 
large-scale field crop project in Siberia

A Russian company in joint venture with a European company has invested in a project to rehabilitate a former cooperative farm in Transbaïkal with the aim of developing 23.000 hectares for large scale grain production, over five sites. FGM International has been contracted to provide assistance in the development of the farm, rehabilitation advice, and operation monitoring.

Training services : agricultural study tour for an African delegation

The French Government wished to develop the relationship between France and an African institution by sharing French agricultural technical skills and long-term experience. FGM International was contracted to organize and operate a study tour in France focused on value-chain development aspects that can be implemented abroad.

Procurement support: castor oil, worldwide

A major global corporation which owns industrial plants on several continents, assigned FGM to propose a selection of countries suitable for the production of castor oil, a scarce and valuable resource, and to produce a detailed Action Plan to diversify, secure and increase the targeted oilseed supplies.

Technical due diligence, design and Business Planning for organic orchard in France

GreenPods, a new generation agriculture startup, was conceived to introduce the production of high-value organic nuts to and in Europe. It has identified a potential farm in the South of France and required a consultancy firm with relevant experience to assess the potential of the project and its conversion into organic farming with almonds and large-scale irrigated crops.

Rehabilitation of durum wheat and wrapped corn silage project in Algeria

The investor is a former army officer and owner of a pharmaceutical business in Algeria. Five years before contacting FGM, he started an agricultural enterprise with a 600 ha pivot irrigated project but did not achieve the expected profit. He sought to involve a specialized company to improve project production in terms of quantity and quality.

Agri-feasibility study: 4 500 ha for cassava starch extraction in Ivory Coast

The client is a French incorporated company led by a team of international experts with an extensive knowledge of Africa and, more precisely, Ivory Coast. However, the team was lacking the necessary high-end agronomic support and relevant realistic approaches to their project’s development aligned to the capacity of their available land and the activities of the planned cassava production scheme.

Project development and management: 3 150 ha intensive alfalfa production in Sudan

The GLB project is owned by Lebanese and Sudanese investors. In 2011, 87 200 ha of land in Nile River State, Sudan, was granted to the investors by the government. The project aimed at securing significant and sustainable financial returns. However, the investors lacked agronomic capacity and required the involvement of an international farming company to start up the project.

Technical assistance for large-scale production farming in Siberia

FGM International was appointed by a major Siberian holding to strengthen the development of its agricultural department. The assignment had three main goals: audit and technical assistance for a large-scale farm of 30 000 ha producing grain, oilseed and forage, situational analysis of business opportunities for fertilizer marketing and development of a 7 000 ha model farm.

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