Management Service

Running an agricultural project, especially a large-scale one, or a project integrating advanced practices and specific multiple-crop rotation, requires topmost management skills. Our historical core competency and expertise is the management project. With more than 30 years of experience in effectively managing agricultural projects all around the globe, we have developed a wide set of skills in terms of running an agricultural project of all sorts and sizes.FGM International is not a recruitment firm and advises against concentrating all the responsibility for the success of a project on a single person. Our method consists in committing with a long-term duty, mobilizing one or more dedicated on-site managers for key positions. We enhance that with regularly bringing subject matter experts -operating remotely or on-site- to alleviate the project by offering their support during key milestones of the project operation. Our headquarters perform logistical and administrative support to keep operators focused on […]

Project Implementation

An appropriate, well-driven project establishment is the top criterion for a long-lasting and successful agricultural project. This fist practical stage shall rely on preliminary studies either delivered by FGM International or a third party. Involving an agricultural specialist such as FGM International with long-term hands-on international expertise mitigates the risk by facilitating the smooth transition from the establishment phase to the actual operation phase. How does FGM set up your project ? To ensure a project’s establishment, FGM International provides a full-time project management service, providing the client with an on-site presence securing the initial project development and reporting the actual progress to the client. After the fulfillment of this assignment, the project will be 100% ready to operate. Review of the project design The review of the overall project’s design includes: Layout, Technical specifications, Irrigation design & requirement, Husbandry plan, Project development-phasing -when relevant. When the project implementation is […]

Agri-feasibility Study

What is an agri-feasibility study? FGM International’s feasibility study determines the practicality of farming for a given agricultural project at a given site. It provides the farm manager and/or investor with a thorough and comprehensive study covering all potential development aspects for the given land. This study usually includes a highlighted and detailed installation methodology, presented in different steps as well as an exhaustive cost analysis and financial forecast. Such a feasibility study covers the following key aspects, for any agricultural or livestock project, from its inception stage -for a new project-, or for an existing project, when its manager decides to extend its results in terms of land allocation and/or production. How does FGM action your request? Relying on comprehensive site assessments and expertise in agronomic science and economics, FGM International optimizes land use with a mix of crops for sustainable returns. Enhancing this, collaboration with an ghostwriter österreich […]

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