
Project’s Office Requirements and Design

The efficient and functional design of the offices building(s) is essential to any agricultural project, for the effective support of the management’s organization and activities.

According to FGM International’s experience, once a project reaches a certain size or degree of complexity, an on-site office building is essential to avoid any shortcoming of the operations’ management as well as, keeping the decision process effective and close to the source of production. Its size and organization need to be well-defined and to a proportionate scale to support the project’s development, especially when the latter is phased.

  • Offices requirements according to the project, including size and layout recommendations and management style,
  • Internal organization.

Prerequisites to deliver the product

  • Project strategy


We formulate the optimal blueprint for the office(s)’ building(s) to sustain the management of your project and support the implementation of field work, within 2 working days from receipt of the order.

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