
Site assessment, medical cannabis production in Uganda

The client, specialized in industrial cannabis processing, intends to initiate and then integrate field-production to supply the required raw material for its cannabidiol (CBD) extraction. EXM Ceuticals mandated FGM International to supply the field-production and agri business expertise to assess the potential of the proposed production sites.

The challenge

Assess whether at least one of the two sites identified are coping with all necessary natural conditions suitable for cannabis production and free of chemical trace.

FGM results

Based on its extensive understanding of numerous crop requirements and production processes, FGM International was able to identify the best starting option according to different scenarios.

Site assessment review

As both pre-selected sites have almost the same climatic and soil specifics, FGM specifically prepared the investigation phase with a preliminary remote assessment of the common regional conditions. This focused on :

  • Social environment and local policies that may have a social impact on the development of the local economy,
  • Collection of natural conditions’ data including overall soil potential and climatic conditions,
  • Review of the actual land occupation and site access using remote-sensing tools.

In-field assessment

FGM International, site assessment in Uganda for Cannabis

Potential site to be developed.

As the medical-grade cannabis production standards are very challenging and close to those of organic requirements,  the on-site assessment focused on the following:

  • Review of initial assumptions,
  • Assessment of soil potential and collection of samples on land to be used for the cannabis production with a special focus on traces of inputs or pesticides,
  • Inspection of the condition of the infrastructures that may be used by EXM Ceuticals (security, power supply, irrigation system),
  • Overview of the social and environmental impact of the project,
  • Review of site location and access.


FGM findings and recommendations were reported in detail including : 

  • Identification of key factors of success and main challenges to overcome, 
  • Project phasing enabling quick installation and optimum scale-up opportunities,
  • Specific agronomic recommendations.

Interesting reading relevant to this project



Number of experts

3 experts




1 Month


1350 ha


EXM Ceuticals

Assigned competencies

  • Large-Scale Farm Development Expert
  • Irrigation and crop management expert
  • Quality Control Officer

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